
Sunday, March 28, 2010

slow motion capture software
ProAnalyst allows you to import any video and quickly extract and quantify the motion within that video.

R&Sie(n) - offices using digital technologies with ecological priorities

Bioreboot: The Architecture of R&sie{n}
-Investigative approach developed through technological experiments- - cartographic distortions- territorial mutations - exploring bond between building, context and human relations- philosophy that each building is a parasite using all available means to perform maximum ecologically potentials-

Friday, March 26, 2010

Expression of Interest Poster

Poster indicating initial ideas for this studio - early research starting at looking at how the trace of the moving body has been recorded (in history, present day, future movements), translations of this data into digital software and what can be interpreted, explorations in parametric modeling, translations into built or unbuilt architectures.